Christine Dunstan
When Reg and Nancye first approached me with an idea for a show for the two of them, I was immediately bewitched. I couldn't believe my luck. These two iconic artists, each with remarkable performing careers under their belts, are Australian theatrical royalty. To work with either of them is a privilege; to work with them in tandem is a dream.
In writing Turns, Reg's fertile imagination has taken us on quite a journey; one which has always been peppered with delight, laughter and an overarching sense of tradition. The road we've been on has been a circuitous one. We threw away the notion of the straight and narrow, and we've turned corners, made choices as the road forked and even executed a few u-turns along the way to bring us where we are today.
We have been blessed with wonderful colleagues who have aided and abetted our progress, from an initial workshop early last year, and throughout the development process. My profound and heartfelt thanks go to Michael Tyack for his contribution to the musical style of Turns; Cliff Simcox, who has designed so many of Reg's previous works, for his ideas towards the original set concept; James Browne for his inspired set design which brings a contemporary touch to a traditional feel; Matthew Aberline who has contributed so much with his whimsical costume designs and execution; Karen Johnson Mortimer who has worked so often with Nancye and Reg over the years and who gives them the spring in their on stage steps; Vincent Colagiuri and his magical keyboard fingers; Australia's legendary lighting designer Trudy Dalgleish; and the captain of this ship, our director Tom Healey. What a joy it has been to have them all on board with us. This voyage has been one of the highlights of my long theatrical career, and I thank Nancye and Reg for their invitation to partake. Like a fine wine, these two just keep improving with age.
Please hand yourself over to the Turns experience and enjoy the ride!