The plot involves the pantomime star Marjory Joy (Nancye) who is on her last legs (or is she?) As she remembers a romantic and exciting life spent in show business (or was it?) her son Alistair (Reg) struggles to understand the woman, all women - and the one in particular he must come to terms with. Turns is well worth your attention, a broad reflection on matters of identity, family and dependency, show business, and completely losing your marbles!
You'll be intrigued by its elements of mystery, entertained by some outrageous fun and games, the slapstick echoes of the keystone kops, 1940's film noir gets a nod, and the overtones of music-hall, burlesque, vaudeville, above all traditional pantomime. This kaleidoscopic rainbow of theatrical styles makes for an evening in the theatre we believe is widely appealing, one we hope is ultimately quite moving.